
Acknowledging our living relationship with God

Laura Digan July 25, 2020 0 0
Acknowledging our living relationship with God

Most of us have never experienced a year like 2020. And as we have journeyed through the many differing trials and emotions of lockdown for many of us our relationship with God has changed. 

For some of us the closing of church buildings has allowed God to come and dwell with us in our homes, growing and deepening our relationship with him. 

Some of us have embraced new technologies that help us to meet God in a completely new way within the virtual space. 

Some of us have returned to faith seeking comfort and meaning in a time of fear and uncertainty. 

Some of us are falling back in love with God after a period of estrangement. 

Some of us are getting to know God for the very first time. 

To acknowledge the many ways our relationship with God has been and is changing, this Sunday (26 July) we are inviting you to re-affirm your baptismal vows during our Sunday Live Service. This service is not for you to be baptised again but to affirm in a service that your Baptism in Christ is real and significant for you. You will use the water to remind and affirm within yourself that you have been engrafted into Christ and his church, and that through the covenant of God’s grace your sins are forgiven.

If you have not been baptised we invite you to take time during the service to reflect on your relationship with God and to take the opportunity to find out more about baptism and what it means for those who have been baptised.

If you would like to re-affirm your baptismal vows along with us on Sunday, then prepare by spending some time with God in prayer beforehand. You may want to read some passages of scripture: Mark 1: 4-11,  Acts 8: 26-40 or Romans 6: 3-11.  Before the service begins set out a small bowl and a jug of water next to wherever you will be joining from. During the service you will be invited to either immerse a hand in the water or, if you wish to,  make a sign of the cross on your forehead. 

We hope you will join us for this service of re-affirmation as we remember the grace and favour God freely extends to us. 

Laura Digan