
How to Join our Community Passover Feast

Administrator March 27, 2024 0 0
How to Join our Community Passover Feast

Join us for a Passover Feast online


Please join us for our Passover Feast this Maundy Thursday at 7.30pm (Thursday 28th March 2024) to eat a pre-prepared meal together online as a community to celebrate Passover.

This event will be the community Passover celebration that will take place in the Virtual Coffee Shop after the Celebrating Passover live stream with Ruth Laura and Jane diving into the traditions of the Seder Meal.

Find the links to join via our event page: Community Passover Feast

We would love for you to join us to break bread together as a community. Here’s a suggestion of what to cook from the comfort of your own home, however you can substitute it with other meats, or non-meat alternatives, or any other foods you prefer – no strict rules on this at all

Main Course

Flour and water made into flat ‘unleavened’ bread

Lamb chops coated with mustard and brown sugar & grilled

Mediterranean Cous Cuos with chopped peppers, onion, and chopped nuts (most supermarkets sell pre-flavoured or plain cous cous)

Sliced tomatoes with balsamic vinegar (or other seasoning as you prefer)

Hummus (most supermarkets sell hummus in various varieties)


No flour Chocolate Tart


Recipes & Ingredients


250g of Strong plain flour or ‘Zero’ flour 250 grams,

5g salt, little oil or butter , knead all together until smooth then leave aside to rest

Cut the dough into 6 or 8 portions and roll out each into a circle ….heat in a hot pan turn half way through.

Alternatively, buy some flat bread or pitta bread


Couscous packet, fine chopped portion of red pepper, finely chopped tomatoes, any chopped herb of your choice, mix all together in a large bowl & follow couscous packet cooking instructions

Alternatively, buy a packet of pre-flavoured couscous.


 1 can of chick peas with some of the water from the tin set aside to pour in when blending, spoonful of ‘Tahini’ paste, salt,  pepper, olive oil - blend together all ingredients until smooth.

Alternatively, buy a tub of your favourite hummus


Spread mustard paste (if liked) onto the lamb chops & season well with salt and pepper.

Grill under a hot grill for just a few minutes until they begin to turn brown & the fat sizzles. Turn over & repeat on other side. Be careful not to overcook.

Alternatively, fry in little oil on both side until brown & the fat sizzles

Other cuts of lamb e.g. Gigot chops, or Lamb steak could also be used if preferred or you can use Hallumi or Qourn or other meat substitute instead of meat.


Slice tomatoes thinly and arrange on a serving plate – drizzle olive oil and balsamic vinegar (if liked) over them and sprinkle with salt

No flour / no yeast Soft Chocolate cake (recipe by celebrity chef, Nick Nairn)

200g good quality plain chocolate (with 60% cocoa solids)
200g butter
7 eggs, separated
140g caster sugar

  • Pre-heat the oven to 160°C.
  • Lightly butter a 25cm springform cake tin then line the base with a circle of baking parchment and the edge with a long strip. Break the chocolate into a large Pyrex bowl. Dice and add the butter. Sit the bowl over a pan of simmering water, making sure that the bowl does not touch the water.
  • Leave the chocolate and butter to melt, stirring occasionally until the mix becomes smooth and glossy. Make sure the chocolate doesn’t get too hot or it will seize and thicken. When ready, turn off the heat, but keep the bowl sitting on the pan to keep the mix warm.
  • Separate your eggs by breaking the egg carefully in two, passing the yolk gently between two parts of the shell, catching the falling white in a bowl. Be careful not to break or damage the yolks, as even a tiny amount of yolk in the whites will prevent them from whisking up properly. Put the yolks into a bowl with the sugar and whisk to the ribbon stage (the mixture will become pale and thick and leave a trail on the surface for a few seconds). This will take 4-5 minutes. When ready, gently fold the yolks into the melted chocolate.
  • Next, take a large (ideally) stainless-steel bowl and whisk the egg whites into soft peaks – the tips of the peaks should just fold over, not stand upright. Fold the whites into the chocolate mix.
  • Pour into the prepared tin, place in the oven and bake for 45 minutes. It will soufflé up during the cooking and start to crack on the surface when it’s ready. When you take it out the oven, the cake will collapse in the middle but don’t panic! This is just the way it should be. Leave in the tin to cool.
  • When cool, carefully remove the cake from the tin by placing the palm of your hand over the cake and inverting it out then peel off the paper. Flip back onto a board. Dust with icing sugar, cut the cake into wedges and serve with a dollop of crème fraiche, cream or ice cream

Any Questions? Drop them in the comments below and the Sanctuary First Team and Community can see if they can help

See You There!