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The Simple Life - Connect Groups

Week Four


Part 4


This month we’re keeping things simple, so very much on theme! Each week our Daily Worship will follow the same sequence Sunday - Saturday as we look at everyday life through a repeated pattern to see what we can learn about what it means to simply live as one of God’s children. In our question material each week we are going to choose three threads to pull on from that seven day pattern.

Read Exodus 4: 10-16

Our Monday strand is about relationships.

Do you identify more with Moses or Aaron? Are there times in life when you have been somebody’s Aaron, helping them to express themselves? Or somebody’s Moses, giving someone else the words to say?

Read Psalm 150: 6

On Fridays we consider the arts.

Conceptual artists have done much to expand our concept of what ‘art’ is. While art is very subjective, and we don’t always agree on what qualifies as ‘art’, it is clearly a vast subject. Art can be made in many different ways out of many different media.

Just as artists have expanded the borders of art could we do more to expand the borders of what is commonly considered ‘worship’ or ‘praise’? This psalm ends on a triumphant note saying that everything that breathes should praise the Lord. This a very big picture view of worship! It’s more than a few people and instruments on a Sunday morning. What are some other forms of worship beyond Sunday services?

Read Jeremiah 29: 4-7

On Saturdays we reflect on work and community.

What have you learned or gained from living or working alongside people over the years? How has it enriched you?

