Wednesday 3 July 
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The Ongoing Quest

This month we come to God with our questions.

Through the Bible and in the power of the Holy Spirit we are invited into a heavenly conversation with God and with one another spanning thousands of years. The Bible is a rich book full of answers but it’s even more full of questions — to spur us on and shape us as disciples. In prayerful community, supporting one another and with the guidance of the Trinity, we continually learn new things about holiness and humanity.             

In the beginning was the question. In the beginning was the quest. The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We became part of the quest as the question dwelt with us. And it continues to dwell in us and through us…

There are things we know about God and creation and love and humanity. And there’s things we are still figuring out. Our search for God, for meaning, for understanding is an unfinished journey this side of eternity.

It’s an ongoing quest.

     Find out more on this month's theme                                     Download the discussion group questions PDF


The following discussion questions are designed to adapt the monthly theme material (see The Ongoing Quest Resource Pack) for small group work.

They are divided into 5 parts to correspond with the 5 weeks of the Daily Worship theme. These questions are just a guideline and there is no need to go through all the given questions in a single session, or in the following sequence. Feel free to pick and choose, or adapt to what interests your group.

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