Wednesday 3 July 
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The Simple Life - Connect Groups

Week Two


Part 2


This month we’re keeping things simple, so very much on theme! Each week our Daily Worship will follow the same sequence Sunday - Saturday as we look at everyday life through a repeated pattern to see what we can learn about what it means to simply live as one of God’s children. In our question material each week we are going to choose three threads to pull on from that seven day pattern.

Read Matthew 11: 28-30

The Sunday strand in our Simple Life weeks is to do with re-creation.

Jesus invites us to rest, so let’s take rest seriously! On your own or as a group, have a think of as many different ways you could rest in the upcoming week as you can.

Then see if anything stands out to you. Is there a type of restful activity you’ve been meaning to fit in but haven’t been making time for? Reflect on whether you can make time to do that thing this week and if there’s a way you can share that time with Jesus, perhaps through prayer.

Read 2 Timothy 1: 1-7

On Mondays we are invited to think about the importance of relationships.

Who have been key mentors or role models for you over the years — and do you in turn mentor anybody else? Or, put another way, whose example do you follow and who follows your example?

Read Exodus 35: 30-35

On Fridays we are encouraged to think about arts, festivals and meaning.

Think of the skill of Bezalel and Oholiab and how their artistry inspired others. What role does creativity or artistic expression have in your faith?

