Wednesday 3 July 
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The Simple Life - Connect Groups

Week One


Part 1


This month we’re keeping things simple, so very much on theme! Each week our Daily Worship will follow the same sequence Sunday - Saturday as we look at everyday life through a repeated pattern to see what we can learn about what it means to simply live as one of God’s children. In our question material each week we are going to choose three threads to pull on from that seven day pattern.

Read Luke 10: 25-28

Our Thursday strand picks up on the idea of everyday wellbeing, taking time to tune into our lives and to try and live well. In verse 27 we hear quoted the timeless advice to love your neighbour as you love yourself.

What can we do this week to work on our own wellbeing and then what can we also do this week to help somebody else’s wellbeing? (Perhaps even in a way that echoes what we are doing to care for ourselves.)

Read Philippians 4: 8

On Fridays this month we’re exploring the importance of art in our lives.

Can you think of an example of a piece of art (visual/musical/literary/anything else) that you have seen in the past few months that struck you as true, or noble, or pure, or lovely, or admirable, or excellent, or praiseworthy— (or several of the above!)?

Read Romans 12: 9-10

On Saturdays we contemplate living and working in community.

How do you ‘hold on to the good’ (as Paul urges in verse 9) in your professional/voluntary/family/ neighbourhood/community life?

