Wednesday 3 July 
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Sparks of the Spirit - Connect Groups

Week One


First Sparks, Who is the Holy Spirit?


Across chapters 14-16 of the Gospel of John we get to witness an incredible conversation. Jesus speaks to the disciples about what is to come for them and the world. He kindles in them a hope, sparks it into being, fans the flames and builds the fire as he speaks beautifully, enigmatically, and candidly, about the Holy Spirit who will help them keep the fire going!

Seeds to sow: What is sparking into life in our neighbourhood, in our local community?

Read John 14: 15-17

Catching the spark — Helper.

Sparks of encouragement fly as Jesus introduces the disciples to the Holy Spirit, their comforter, counsellor, helper, intercessor, and strengthener! Our recognisable helper who lives in us and is always with us – a constant presence of God’s help.

What does the Holy Spirit mean to you in your life?

Read John 14: 18-27

Feeding the flame — Teacher.

The Holy Spirit reminds us of everything Jesus teaches us. How beautiful is that? The Holy Spirit represents Jesus and helps us to remember, calls out to us, leads us to the love of Christ.

What do we think we are being taught this season? What do we need the Holy Spirit to remind us of? Are we listening? And how do we listen?

Read John 16: 1-11

Building the Fire Advocate.

In a world that sometimes speaks in terms of hopelessness, short term gain, and selfishness (‘What’s the point?’, ‘Let’s get what we can, when we can’, ’You’ve got to look after number one...’) the Holy Spirit advocates for hope, deep roots, and compassion; challenging conventional wisdom on sin, righteousness, and judgement. This Advocate sent is in close fellowship with us so we might expect to advocate for these issues too.

How can the Holy Spirit guide us to ‘prove the world wrong’ about hope, long term sustainable thinking, and generosity?



