Wednesday 3 July 
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Sparks of the Spirit - Connect Groups

Week Four


Tending the embers


The glowing embers of a fire are not the beginning of it dying out, in fact they are very hot — the sign of a steady fire ready to flame again. The fire can be built up once more with fresh kindling. In many parts of the world including in the Scottish Highlands and Islands it was traditional for a long time to keep fires continually burning, never letting them go out. Part of maintaining the fire of the Holy Spirit in our lives is recognising the need for fresh kindling. To maintain a fire you can’t simply block up the coals without adding new fuel and air. Without it the embers will eventually cool into ash. This week through Romans 8 we look to the deep heat of the glowing embers of the Holy Spirit’s power!

SEEDS TO SOW: How can we use the embers of one ministry/project to spark the kindling of a new ministry/project?

Read Romans 8: 12-17

Heirs to the hearth.

The home fire burns within us! The Holy Spirit tends it, keeping us warm, reminding us we belong in God’s family and that we can all cry out Abba, Father!

But this fire is to warm more than us. How can we be part of drawing society away from a spirit of fear and towards a spirit of hope?

Read Romans 8: 18-27

Hope burns.

Hope burns within us, even in the midst of darkness and trial. A Spirit-filled and Spirit- led life brings blissful things to creation too.

The liberation and freedom at work in us is meant for creation too. How are we working towards renewal not just for ourselves but also for our planet?

Read Romans 8: 28-39

Keep the flame!

The fire is never extinguished! While we have a role to play in carrying the flame it is not our sole responsibility — the burden is not on us as individuals, or even as a community — for the inseparable, inextinguishable love of God cannot burn out. The Holy Spirit always carries glowing embers ready for us to share the spark... In our small way we can play a part in keeping the fire going, passing on the warmth and light?

How can we help others catch the spark, feel the warmth, and see the light this week!?


