Wednesday 3 July 
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Sparks of the Spirit - Connect Groups

Week Two


Flickering into vision, How the Holy Spirit works in us


We are instilled, imbued, infused, and enthused by the Spirit! The Holy Spirit is not some vague abstract energy that we have to try and grab hold of. The promised Holy Spirit already lives with us. From the inside out we catch light as we are drawn to hope! This week the beautiful and haunting imagery in Ezekiel gives us a compelling picture for thinking about the fundamental transformation the Holy Spirit brings to our lives.

SEEDS TO SOW: What light is burning in the world that we can catch on to this week?

Read Ezekiel 37: 1-6

New sinews.

In this reading we get to see an incredible, haunting vision of transformation. One that shows us the potential of life unleashed!

Into the horror of a valley jam-packed with lifeless bones, words of life are prophesied promising incredible transformation.

Picture the scene!

Now, where today do we see a senseless mess of different broken parts that no longer fit together — that no longer have life? Like a valley full of jumbled dry bones.

How can the Holy Spirit help us to speak into these situations of brokenness, to reknit, reconnect and reconstruct hope?

As a group you could take time to bring each of these situations to God in prayer afterwards.

Read Ezekiel 37: 7-10

A new breath.

The Holy Spirit brings restoration as we see vividly enacted in this reading. But this is not the restoration of a museum restorer, preserving static monuments — like roped off art exhibits. No we are restored to move! To flourish! We are not simply transformed FROM something we are transformed FOR something! For new life!

Where do we feel the animation of the Holy Spirit breathing new life and energy?

Read Ezekiel 37: 11-14

A spine-tingling vision.

The Holy Spirit reconnects us to hope as we are transformed from the inside out. This Spirit given hope is utterly game changing. How can we be empowered by The Holy Spirit’s hope today?


