Wednesday 3 July 
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Shine Like Stars - Connect Groups

Week Three


Tuning In


Having focused on light and vision last week, we now turn our attention to different ways we can tune in and listen to God. How are we tuning in to what God is telling us at the start of this new year? In day to day life what is involved in actively listening to God? Does ‘comfortable silence’ fit into our relationship with God? As we are called to shine like stars, you could say we are also called to broadcast like them, sending out electromagnetic signals of grace!

SEEDS TO SOW: What does the phrase ‘listening to God’ mean to you?

Read John 9: 1-12

We start by tuning in to God in the squelch of mud! We spent last week stargazing but we begin this week crashing back down to earth, literally to the grassroots. Mud is very much a multi-sensory phenomenon — one of the thrills of childhood is squelching about in wellies through the mud.

But why does Jesus choose to use mud here? What sensory information is Jesus picking up on? How is he tuning in to the situation and the environment around him? And today when Jesus listens to us what is he hearing?

Read James 1: 19-27

Now we turn to thinking about how we can tune into God through active listening. In this reading, listening to God is not something passive, it requires our participation, to put what we hear into practice. Active listening requires us to pay close attention, engage with the person speaking, and ask follow up questions.

Listening to God is an ongoing process of being open, humble and sensitive — sensitive to tune into both God and the needs of others.

If we are listening without responding are we really listening? How can we be active listeners of God this week?

Read 1 Samuel 3: 1-20

We conclude by thinking about tuning into God in the middle of the night. In this reading Samuel is learning to recognise God’s voice.

What can we learn from Samuel about recognising God speaking in our lives?


