Monday 22 July 
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Shine Like Stars - Connect Groups

Week Two


Looking Up


Last week we focused on finding a place of contemplation with God. Now that we are sitting comfortably... it’s time to look up! In this theme we are reflecting on Paul’s timeless invitation to ‘shine like stars in our generation’ (see Philippians 2: 14-18), so let’s take a moment to look up to the star maker — our Father God — the source of our light! The sparks we carry in our daily interactions in the world are a reflection of God’s divine love that shines everlasting through the universe. This week we will think about how looking up helps us to shine out!

SEEDS TO SOW: How do you feel when you look up at the vast night sky?

Read Isaiah 40: 26

All those stars numbered and named! It’s just mindboggling.

We begin our looking up by marvelling at the incredible detail of our universe. The cosmos is not some CGI special effect that only works if you look at it from one particular angle. It’s a phenomenally detailed place that we get to learn more and more about the closer we look.

What does this tell us about God?

Read Job 38: 31-33

This reading is part of a metaphysical 'reality check’ for Job as he gets a glimpse from God of just how much he doesn’t know, can’t possibly fathom, of the incredible difference of scale between our star making God and us. And yet we know that the star-maker cares for each of us individually and has a role for us to play.

In the context of our call to shine like stars from Paul, this reading is a reminder that we are not the source of the light we carry — that pressure’s not on us. Instead we reflect that light to one another.

How would these words have made Job feel? How do they make you feel? Does this perspective change how we see God, the source of our light?

Read Philippians 2: 14-18

Shining as stars! We shine out because we look up to the one who has shone down. Next week we begin thinking about tuning in to God, but today let’s bask in the light of God that illuminates us today — for all the world to see!

What are three things you can do this week to ‘let your light shine’ for others to see?


