Monday 22 July 
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Shine Like Stars - Connect Groups

Week Four


Being Ourselves


So far we have taken time to sit, to look up, to tune in, and before we ‘look out’ next week we take a moment to be. To simply be ourselves. To be the eager questioning children that Jesus welcomes to come to him. We are not staff recruited by God to carry out agendas and goals. We are beloved children who are invited to come sit at his feet, to tune into the voice that sung us into being. We are called to be ourselves — beloved of God.

SEEDS TO SOW: Imagine Jesus playing games with the children who came rushing towards him. Imagine what that would have been like.

Read Luke 18: 15-17

We are the children that Jesus doesn’t want stopped!

Are you rushing to Jesus in the same way as these children? Is there anything stopping you?

Read Zephaniah 3: 17

We are delightful to God! We are each worth God singing over! Isn’t that amazing?

What kinds of songs does God sing over us? What would God sing over you do you think?

Have you read ‘The Father’s Love Letter’? It’s rich in letting us know how God sees us. You can find it here.

Read Romans 12: 9-13

Young children tend do things very sincerely — acting wholeheartedly, not holding themselves back the way adults often do.

Paul here urges us not to be cynical and jaded but to keep working towards goodness and love. What can we learn from the earnest sincerity of children to help us with Paul’s instructions here? 'How are we getting on with approaching Jesus in a childlike, authentic way, are we ourselves in God’s presence?


