Wednesday 3 July 
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Restless Souls - Connect Groups

Week Five


Part 5: Restless love

Conversation Starter

When is being restless a good thing?

Read Joshua 5: 9-12

Part of God’s expression of love was manna in the wilderness but then it was time to lay down roots and leave the manna behind. Because the manna wasn’t the point, the love was the point. 

How often do we focus on the manna and forget the love? 

Are there examples in our lives where we have expected God to keep providing a certain thing and then we have resented it when it has gone? How can we learn to let go and make way for the new things that God is doing?

Read 2 Corinthians 5: 16-21

What does it mean to be an ambassador for Christ? How does it affect your decision making day to day?

Read Luke 15: 11-32

We’ve got the restless son: waiting for life to begin, for excitement, to find something outside of himself.

We’ve got the restless father: who can’t wait to receive his son, who runs to meet him. He is urgent: there has to be a feast now, quick!

And finally, we’ve got the restless brother: unsettled, and uncomfortable but unlike his father and brother he is still restless at the end of the story. He’s still pacing up and down on the edge of the party.

We leave the parable with the cliffhanger, will the restless brother go in, or won’t he? What do you think — does he go in? Does he stay outside?

And what about you, if you were the older brother would you go in to the feast?


