Wednesday 3 July 
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Restless Souls - Connect Groups





To be human — a citizen of heaven with eternity written in our hearts — is in some sense, to be restless, to be ‘on the way’. The things we strive for: contentment, love, belonging, satisfaction, wisdom, and meaning are often found indirectly, when we are on the way somewhere else. When we find ourselves restless... on the move...

From an early age we are drawn to explore, to set out, to shake things up, to do difficult things with tremendous effort. We can’t help ourselves. We just want to see. To try. We get uncomfortable, or bored, or uneasy, or agitated. We get restless.

This restlessness is not a design flaw, but an integral part of being human — of being alert and sensitive to the world around us. Restlessness can be a powerful medium for growth, for learning who and what we are. Refusing to complacently accept ‘the way things are’ can be a vital part of how we experience the transformation and revelation of God’s grace.

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