Wednesday 3 July 
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Restless Souls - Connect Groups

Week Four


Part 4: Restless longing

Conversation Starter

When you’re feeling restless and unsettled what if anything helps you to feel peaceful?

Read Psalm 63

A wide range of human experience and emotion is expressed in the Psalms. It is a rich library of worship, sometimes tranquil and sometimes uneasy, but always honest and heartfelt. This psalm has a particularly restless quality.

What’s the difference between restful and restless worship? Our shared times of worship together often have a restful quality which can bring peace and comfort to ourselves and others. But is there a place for times of restless worship in our communal worship that recognise the range of emotions that you find in a psalm like Psalm 63?

Can you think of ways we can reflect on and learn from the restlessness of being a disciple in our shared life of worship together?

Read Jeremiah 1: 4-10

Jeremiah felt inadequate but God could see his potential. And God sees your potential too.

How can you, with God and your local community, work together to nurture your potential?

Read John 16: 25-33

How does Jesus’s phrase “But take courage; I have conquered the world!” affect our lives and the decisions we make today?


