Wednesday 3 July 
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Lent 2021 - Connect Groups

Week Three


Part 3: Seeing with new eyes 


Read Mark 9: 2-9

What do you think is the difference between a ‘realisation’ and a ‘revelation’?

How do reasoning and faith interact in our walk with God?

Read Isaiah 58: 1-12

The true meaning of Lent (which begins on Ash Wednesday 17th February) is not about an outward show of discipline and abstinence. It is not a season of rule keeping. It is about an inward transformation that changes our will and our behaviours so that we become servants of the poor and and afflicted rather than performers of services to the rich and powerful. True fasting is to choose “to loose the bonds of injustice”.

What is one injustice that it is in your power and will to do something about?

Read Matthew 6: 1-6, 16-21

Most of us (we assume) don’t carry a trumpet around so that we can blast it every time we do something virtuous, but we often find subtle and not so subtle ways to brag about our actions to others.

When giving to charity why is it wrong to boast about it?

Why is there an emphasis on secrecy in the reading?


