Monday 22 July 
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Lent 2021 - Connect Groups

Week Four


Part 4: Covenants, signs and promises


Read Genesis 9: 8-17

This reading is the dramatic ending of the flood narrative with God’s setting his bow across the clouds as a sign of his covenant with a restored humanity.

When should we humans take the blame for incidents that insurance companies call an 'Act of God’? Tragically many of the disasters we suffer are as a result of humans upsetting the balance of nature.

The covenant in the reading is made between God and “and all living creatures of every kind on the earth”. How can we take better responsibility for God’s earth on behalf of every living creature?

Read Mark 1: 9-13

After his baptism Jesus socially distanced himself in the wilderness.

It is often in times of reflection and solitude that we see more vividly the signs and promises of God. But times of isolation can also bring strain and temptation as we are removed from those around us who support us.

What are the temptations we face when we ‘get away from it all’ and how can we make sure we stay tuned in to God?

Read Psalm 22: 23-31

In this time of pandemic and mask wearing verse 24 resonates especially: ‘he did not hide his face from me’. During a time of absence and distance it is comforting to know that God is not hidden.

What have been the signs and promises of presence that have sustained you through lockdowns? It could be letters or emails or video calls with friends and family. What about signs of God — have there been any moments in the quiet where you have felt a sense of God’s presence?


