Monday 22 July 
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Lent 2021 - Connect Groups

Week Four


Part 4: Poured out his soul… (Holy Week)

Each year Holy Week before Easter Sunday depicts the drama of reality, history, blood and bone all coming together in a cosmic culmination: one soul poured out for all — freely.


Read Psalm 71

As our own lives unfold sometimes all we can do is, as we say in Scotland, ‘haud on’ (hold on).

Are there any Bible verses or songs or poems (or something else) that help bring you to a place of hope and praise? That help you haud on when you’re feeling overwhelmed?

Read 1 Corinthians 11: 23-26

What has been your experience of Communion over your life?

Read Hebrews 4: 14-16

We can approach Jesus with boldness. He has identified deeply with our sorrow and our hope and through his travail has given us our tomorrow.

How has your journey been through Lent 2021? Have you learnt, or rediscovered, or grown to appreciate anything new about yourself or about God?

What are your sincere hopes that you want to bring boldly to Jesus this Easter?


