Wednesday 3 July 
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In Good Time - Connect Groups

Week Five


Turning to God


Many parts of Christianity — from kneeling to pray, or approaching a communion table, or even going on a pilgrimage — are acts of physically turning towards God. God is not located in any one particular place but by turning intentionally to focus our minds, we are in a sense turning to face God. Our bodies and minds are closely connected and physical movement can concentrate our attention. When do we find the time to emotionally, spiritually and physically turn to God? And what happens when we do?

(This material is drawn from the Ready Pilgrim theme.)

Read Psalm 138: 1-3

Think about the physical act of bowing down in verse 2. What happens mentally and emotionally when we literally move our bodies, to bow towards God?

Do you ever physically turn towards God? If one wants to turn towards God, how does one go about it?

Read Psalm 130

One way of reading this psalm is to see prayer as a form of echolocation!

Echolocation is a sensory technique used by animals like bats to navigate. By sending out high-pitched cries they are able to ‘read’ the space around them by tracking how the sound comes back to them.

Similarly, sometimes it is in the process of praying, and hearing our own voice coming back to us, that we are able to process our thoughts.

When you’re by yourself praying to God what is the difference between praying in your mind and praying out loud? Both are valid ways of praying but can feel quite different.

Read 2 Corinthians 4: 13-5:1

What are the things that hearten and encourage you as a disciple of Jesus making your way in the world?

