Wednesday 3 July 
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In Good Time - Connect Groups

Week One


Being self aware and God aware


God calls you as you are. Not as you will be, not as you once were — but just as you are — reading this right here and now. You don’t have to prove anything. But that doesn’t mean you’re stuck the way you are. You’re not static and with Jesus’s help you can grow into a new identity that is still you, that is in fact, a fuller realisation of who you really are. As time flows we flow with it realising who we are by the grace of God.

(This material was drawn from the Holy Endings theme.)

Read 1 Samuel 3: 1-10

How do you think this formative experience would have shaped the rest of Samuel’s life? How would he have carried the memory of this night through the years?

Read Psalm 139, twice

God calls us into being and calls us on into life.

Reading this psalm what words or phrases leap out at you? Does anything in particular strike you or resonate with you?

Read John 15: 9-17

Jesus wants to have a relationship with us. What makes you — you matters to Jesus. What makes you distinctive is important.

What do you think Jesus likes about you?

