Wednesday 3 July 
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In Good Time - Connect Groups

Week Two


Sweeping over the void


We turn to thinking about the Holy Spirit sweeping over the void and creating community and meaning, removing emptiness. Creating a world that was good. The Great Commission — going out into the world, bringing order out of chaos.The Spirit moves in the world through people to continue his purpose.
Paying attention to the Holy Spirit can help us act in good time, in God’s time.

(This material is drawn from the Swept Away theme but pre-dates when we started producing weekly Bible Study questions and so some new questions have been drawn from those readings.)

Read Psalm 8

The name of God sweeps through the earth. God’s majesty rings in canyons, soars through waves and leaps through canopies.

God is called by many names in scripture, in our worship songs and prayers. What names for God resonate particularly for you?

Read Matthew 28: 16-20

As disciples of Jesus, people looking to follow his example, we are directly related to this commission! Indeed we are a consequence of those disciples sweeping out to tell the world about the Gospel. If it wasn’t for those disciples you wouldn’t be sitting here looking at this now!

As people who have benefited ourselves from The Great Commission how can we carry its torch in our own lives helping to disciple others?

Read Exodus 31: 1-11

Let’s imagine God’s worship as God’s workshop where he quietly sweeps away, gently tidying up and guiding us, offering pointers, as we craft together.

What would it be like to be Bezalel or Oholiab? Where do we see Bezalels or Oholiabs at work today?

