Wednesday 3 July 
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A Suitcase of Stories, Dreams and Prayers - Connect Groups

Week Three


Part 3: Another King — Another Story and Another Dream


Read 1 Kings 3: 3-15

What significance should we place on dreams? The Bible has many stories that feature the importance of a dream. Should we take time to reflect upon our dreams and what they are telling us?

Read Proverbs 9: 1-6

Wisdom is linked with food for the soul. In St John’s prologue the meaning implied in the use of the term ‘Word’ (John 1: 1-9) is the wisdom that holds the universe and all things together. This wisdom is personified in Jesus. He is you might say the host in Proverbs now appearing in St John’s prologue as the food and the bread of life (see John 6: 51-58).

As we follow the breadcrumbs, as it were, what do you make of the connection between wisdom and food? Why does Wisdom prepare a meal?

Read Ephesians 5: 15-20

Paul encourages us to enjoy the things of God in our lives, making music and creating melodies of praise to God in our hearts. 

If wisdom is the key to a full and joyful life — how can we grow in wisdom? What practical steps can we take in our lives in the coming weeks and months?


