Wednesday 3 July 
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A Suitcase of Stories, Dreams and Prayers - Connect Groups





During the next four weeks we continue to follow the lectionary using each week’s readings to focus on a story, a throw away phrase, a dream, or a prayer in order to help us understand how God speaks to us and guides us in our lives.

  • One man’s story may well open up a door into a greater understanding of ourselves and others.
  • Our dreams may well be God using our subconscious mind to reflect on the importance of a decision.
  • There are often more truths expressed in a throwaway line than in a theological treatise.
  • Prayer often opens us up to new horizons and the wideness of God’s mercy and compassion.


We each have a cosmic suitcase that fills with our own stories, dreams, throwaway lines and prayers as we travel through time learning what it means to be God’s — on into eternity!

Let’s get packing!


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