Wednesday 3 July 
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A Suitcase of Stories, Dreams and Prayers - Connect Groups

Week One


Part 1: The Power of a Story


Read Psalm 78: 1-6, 17-29

In Psalm 78 we’re encouraged to remember the stories of places and people who have shaped our lives. 

Is there a story behind a friendship that means a lot to you? Can you share it?

Read Ephesians 4: 1-16

Are you using the gifts you have been given for the building up of God’s people?What are examples of things you could do over the coming weeks to work towards unity?


Read Exodus 16: 1-20 and Philippians 4: 4-9

We’ll end this section thinking about gratitude. 

What do you think of the complaints of the Israelites in Exodus? And what do you think of Paul’s advice in Philippians?

And what do you make of the maggots?


