
Daily Worship Writer - Pamela Kennedy on golden threads

July 14, 2024 1 0
Daily Worship Writer - Pamela Kennedy on golden threads

We thank James Cathcart for his Daily Worship week and we welcome Pamela Kennedy who continues our new July theme Get Packing beginning Sunday 14 July.

Pamela is a Church of Scotland Minister and has just become the new Minister for Culloden and Ardersier Parish, moving from the Scottish Borders to the Highlands. She is a wife, a mum of two boys and a ‘no frills’ guitarist who loves to sing. Pamela is passionate about church connecting with younger generations, about engaging in all-of-life worship and about listening for God’s voice. She loves dog walks, decent coffee, exuberant sung worship and silent retreats: everything from praising with cymbals to reverent awe!

This week Pamela writes about bins, moving house and golden threads!

"Stir my curiosity and tune my heart to notice where You are working.

Cause me to stop, to watch for You, and to turn towards Your light."

Read all of Pamela's contributions in Daily Worship and check out our Connect questions which adapt the themes each month for small group Bible study.