
New single “Be Still”

Rev Ruth Kennedy August 26, 2024 0 1
New single “Be Still”

The wonderfully anointed Deborah Bate has recently released a new single "Be Still"Listen here on Spotify (also on Songwhip, amazon music, youtube etc!)

Deborah says “It came out of a season in which I felt stretched in time and energy, sensing that not everything I was involved in were things the Lord was really calling me to and therefore I was know the feeling of fingers in too many pies? Like so many others have experienced in this fast-paced society we live in, I've been through times of mental burn-out after doing a little more than I could manage well, a little more than I was made for, perhaps. For me, this seeming repeated cycle of behaviour has brought a feeling of deeply needing to enter the rest of God, the "Be still and know that I am God" as in Psalm 46. 

Through the song I lyrically explored what it really means as a follower of Christ to live a life that flows from rest in God. Just as Jesus so frequently took time away in a quiet place to be with the Father and came forth to minister in Word and miracles, I'm coming to realise that even more so do we need this frequent, restful communion with Him. I really hope it ministers to you.”