Daily Worship

Never extinguished

George Sneddon June 01, 2024 7 5
Image credit: Unsplash
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Romans 8: 37-39 (NIVUK)

37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. 38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

A friend told me of a vision she had, that changed her understanding of her relationship with God. It came after a short snappy encounter with her youngest son

She went into her room and noticed the mess.
‘Get this room tidied please! It’s a disaster’

Several times in the conversation, my friend noted how much the mess annoyed her, how much she wished that it never got into this state. Her line softened ‘Son, can you not just keep it tidy at least once. Why do you leave everything everywhere.’

The conversation ended with ‘I’ll come back later and see how you’ve done.’ And she left the room. So about four hours later, she walks in and sees not very much of the mess tidied away.

‘I thought you were tidying?’

‘I have,’ came the reply, ‘I’ve put my hoodies in the cupboard.’

Losing patience, my friend left, didn’t bother to argue. But it was later that night that the Lord showed her in a dream how He would’ve dealt with that scenario. He would’ve walked into that room, and spotted the hoodies tidied away first. Such is his love, he would’ve congratulated and flung his arms around her son. ‘Well done! You are making progress.’

How very different are God’s ways, to our ways.

This is a love so powerful we can’t grasp it. Our mess cannot separate us from his Love.

So as this week draws to a close. Remember that God sees your embers. He sees your attempts. He sees your effort. He sees the things we cannot even see in ourselves. And he delights in you.

Such is his love, that you cannot do anything to make him love you more, and you cannot do anything to make him love you less.



Lord, as we close this week of reflections
Thank you that you have walked with us
not enduring us, but enjoying us
Thank you that you love us so much
that in your Son you give us freedom
in your Spirt you give us hope
an eternal breath
a holy treatment
that we might go boldly
to take the promises you
made to us.