Friday 27 September 
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What’s New In Galatians? - Connect Groups

Week Five

What's new about our lives?


A month in Galatians, a vibrant passionate text full of newness and ever-newness as we encounter it afresh.

So what’s new for us? What are we carrying with us into the next season?

SEEDS TO SOW: Have you thought about and could you take on a new role, volunteering in a new way with a local church, charity or organisation that are looking for help?

Read Galatians 6: 1-6

Give each other a hand!

These verses give us a beautiful picture of Jesus culture. This is healthy, loving and supportive discipleship, not judgementalism.

What does this message of discipleship mean for us today?

Read Galatians 6: 7-10

Don’t weary of doing good! 

What opportunities do we have to encourage other and do good to others tomorrow?

Perhaps as a group you could write a big list of good things you could do and pray about them.

Read Galatians 6: 14

Boasting only in Christ!

How do we feel about boasting? In the Greek here the word has the sense of glorifying, to ‘glory’ something.

Do we glorify Christ in our lives?

What are some ways we could ‘glory’ Christ this week in our lives relying on him?

What are we praising Christ for this week, giving glory to Jesus? Acting in ways that point to Jesus’s ever present love.


