Friday 27 September 
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What’s New In Galatians? - Connect Groups

Week Four


What's new about freedom?


This week we think about freedom from and freedom for. He challenges the specific issue of the day: whether or not Gentile believers are required to participate in circumcision, and argues vehemently (at one point incredibly viscerally) that they don’t and that it’s so utterly beside the point. This new thing that’s happening, Paul argues, is not about buying your freedom through certain acts, but in recognising that you are in fact already free, that you have been freed from Christ and that means you are free not only from the things that hold you back but also free to love one another, to join in the vibrant flourishing of the kingdom! Despite these words being ancient is there something new here our society needs to hear? About Christianity as offering true freedom, true adventure, true living?

SEEDS TO SOW: This week go and find out about, pray and support organisations that are freeing people from human trafficking, exploitation and modern slavery (for example Love146).

Read Galatians 5: 1-10

Running a good race!

Verse 1 gives us a brilliant image of the freedom of standing firm, feet planted where you want them.

From our perspective the debate about circumcision might well feel very remote and hard to identify with. And if that is our response we might actually find we chime with Paul himself! Paul agrees that it’s an odd thing to focus on but the Galatians have got all caught up in it.

Paul finds the circumcising of traditionally uncircumcised believers as a drastic and unnecessary route that’s taking the Galatians in the wrong direction. It’s irrelevant and far from connecting these new believers it is alienating them and getting in the way.

While circumcision might not be water cooler conversation in our churches today — how can we ensure that we do focus on the things that matter and not get sidetracked?

Read Galatians 5: 13-21

Not just ‘free from…’, but ‘free for…’

We are not just free from, we are free for. Free for loving one another. We are free from in-fighting and free for flourishing together.

Freedom is not a blank cheque to behave in any way we want. It's the power to choose, to not give in to harmful, destructive urges, but instead to take control of our lives.

What are some ways we could actively seek to flourish together with one another?

Read Galatians 5: 22-26

Let's keep in step with the Spirit!

We have to keep in step with the Spirit… because the Spirit is moving! The Spirit of God is not an abstract feeling, a static concept. And love, joy and peace are not simply vague ideals, they are all endeavours that take work! They are the product of our joining in with the Spirit. The freedom Christ gives us empowers us to keep up with the Holy Spirit!

How are we going to keep in step with the Spirit this week in our everyday lives?


