Wednesday 3 July 
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Under Our Feet - Connect Groups

Week Four


Part 4: Under our heels


Conversation starter

How’s your sense of direction? What do you do when you find yourself lost?

Read Psalm 98

As we’re thinking about the land under our feet this month let’s think about different ways that the earth makes a joyful noise to the Lord.

Let’s throw our minds wide open and think what are the different sounds in creation that contribute an ongoing hymn of praise to God? When the natural world is singing to God what does it sound like?

Read Deuteronomy 32: 7-14

Where in our lives are we finding ‘honey in the rock’? Where have we found unexpected sweetness and goodness right under our nose?

Read Exodus 3: 1-6

Have you ever felt like you were standing on ‘holy ground’? What does the phrase ‘holy ground’ mean to you?


