Wednesday 3 July 
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Under Our Feet - Connect Groups

Week One


Part 1: Under our toes


Conversation starter

We begin our new theme by thinking about the tactile appeal of solid ground under our feet.

What’s your favourite kind of landscape to be in? Do you like to be on the beach, in the forest, up a mountain, or navigating the cut and thrust of the city centre?

And do you think we pray differently (or about different things) when we are in different environments?

Read Song of Solomon 2: 8-13

This passage about the coming of spring after winter is an interesting one to consider as we in the Northern hemisphere move into autumn and anticipate winter. With modern heating and air conditioning and with seasonal produce shipped all over the world regardless of the season it can be easy to become detached from the rhythm of a year.

Are we ‘in tune’ enough with the passing of seasons in God’s created world? It may seem to suit us humans to create an artificial temperate zone 365 days a year but it might not always be best for the planet. How can we look after the vulnerable, stay comfortable — and yet also pay attention to the natural rhythms of life that are important for creation?


Read Psalm 15

A lot of our convenience and comfort comes at a cost to the land and other people. A cost sadly that we sometimes ignore.

Can you think of examples of when we take ‘a bribe against the innocent’ in our everyday lives? Examples of times when we have looked the other way while others have had to pay the price?

How can we work together to stop taking land and people for granted?

Read James 1: 17-27

Think about where you will be on Monday morning at 10am.

In your mind draw a circle around where your feet will be at that moment and inspect that little plot of ground. How are you caring for that space? How are you responsible for it? What are you weeding out? What are you helping to grow? And in what ways are you practicing the true religion of caring for the vulnerable and distressed who pass through it?


