Monday 22 July 
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The Unexpected Visitor - Connect Groups

Week Three


Part 3: The Zach and Mary Praise Sessions — The role of praise and thanksgiving in our lives


This month all of our readings come from the first two chapters of Luke’s Gospel as we take time to enter the story of the Nativity anew, eyes open to the interplay between the expected and the unexpected. If you are using this material for personal study or as part of a group you may want to make time to read all of the first two chapters of Luke (perhaps prior to meeting if in a group) before returning to look at particular verses in the questions below.

Read Luke 1: 46-49

You might not write a song but how about sharing some of the things God has done for you?

Read Luke 1: 51-52

Where do we see God at work in politicians? What are the dangers in church aligning with politics? How do we give God the glory when good things happen?

Read Luke 1: 67-80

What does it mean for us today to be called to prepare the way? - What does it mean to be a voice crying in the wilderness?


