Wednesday 3 July 
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The Unexpected Visitor - Connect Groups

Week One


Part 1: Conversations of disbelief with an unexpected visitor

This month all of our readings come from the first two chapters of Luke’s Gospel as we take time to enter the story  of the Nativity anew, eyes open to the interplay between the expected and the unexpected. If you are using this material for personal study or as part of a group you may want to make time to read all of the first two chapters of Luke (perhaps prior to meeting if in a group) before returning to look at particular verses in the questions below.

Read Luke 1: 1-4

Why is it important to Luke that the story of the life of Jesus is rooted in history? 

Do you think we would still know about Jesus if there were no Gospel accounts? What do we know about Jesus and Christians outside of the Gospels?

For More information you could read article: Evidence of Jesus

Read Luke 1: 14-17

Who are the children we have been called to care for and prepare for Christ’s coming?

Read Luke 1: 19-25

What do you believe about angels? Do they exist? Have you encountered one?


