Wednesday 3 July 
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Leaping Together! - Connect Groups

Week One


The Esther Plan


* Friends, we are really sorry for the technical problems with Ruth's recording on these videos. Hopefully the glitches don't distract from the content of what is said nor the actual materials! Thanks for your patience with us. *


The importance of community. What can we learn about community and leaping together from the story of Esther? A courageous woman in a perilous position forges a way forward, drawing strength from her community. She is isolated from her people but she remains connected to them. It’s a mutual relationship where the community helps sustain her (not least through her uncle Mordecai) and she acts to preserve them. What inspiration does Esther offer us for mission in the 21st century?

Seeds to sow: Feasts are a big factor is the story of Esther, how could we use meals this week to show our love for God and others?

Read Esther 4: 10-17

The Esther Plan

Esther’s community turns to her for help and likewise she turns to them for support too. Have you noticed that in Esther before?

How do we give and receive help in our community?

Read Esther 7: 1-6

The story unfolds...

Esther risks retribution and spends what precious social capital she has to reverse the fortune of her people and unmask Haman’s plot. Esther is a nuanced person in a nuanced book, thinking on her feet and trying to navigate a way forward in the midst of a hostile oppressive world.

We often hear stories about missionaries who takes risks for their faith and for other people. What risks or sacrifices (including time and resources) do we take for our communities of faith?

Read Esther 8: 1-8

The Esther Plan...

Esther is triumphant, she has reversed the plight of her people but she hasn’t short- circuited the violence as the blood shed in chapter 9 shows. The book of Esther does not offer a prefect roadmap for Christians today — rather it is a fascinating story of what it means to be dealt a bad hand and yet turn the tables and how to draw strength from others in difficult times. How do we offer strength to each other?

