Wednesday 3 July 
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Leaping Together! - Connect Groups

Week Two


The Nehemiah Method


* Friends, we are really sorry for the technical problems with Ruth's recording on these videos. Hopefully the glitches don't distract from the content of what is said nor the actual materials! Thanks for your patience with us. *


The importance of belonging. In the book of Nehemiah we see an incredible feat unfold. The community are able to work together so rapidly and effectively because of their sense of belonging and investment, you could say their ‘buy in’. They face taunts and opposition, hunger and threats, but they shoulder in together.

SEEDS TO SOW: What could we physically build together this week to help grow community?

Read Nehemiah 2: 11-20

DIY ‘DIO’, Do-It-Ourselves

“It's broken, I can't fix it on my own!” There is need for community. What communities are you a part of?

How do we let others know they are valued parts of our community?

Read Nehemiah 3: 9-14

A shared endeavour

The names here are not beside the point, they show us how the community got invested in this massive project. Builders in their place — even at the dung gate.

Re-read this passage and think of what modern day equivalents of these places and names would be in your community! And where do you fit in?

Read Nehemiah 5: 1-13

‘The thing that you are doing is not good’, speaking out for justice

Restoring welfare, dignity and agency. As a group what issues of injustice are you concerned about and what can you do about them?

