Wednesday 3 July 
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In the Father’s Hands - Connect Groups

Week Five

The Hands of the Trinity: Artistry in Motion


The Trinity Together

We draw our theme to a close with a week on the hands of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit coming together! At the heart of our faith, at the heart of Christianity is the Trinity — God-as-community, God as relationship!

SEEDS TO SOW: How could we use pottery, sewing, gardening, painting or any other hands on craft or skill to learn more about the Trinity this year?

Read Genesis 1: 1-2

In the beginning…

Father and Spirit in motion together. What strikes you about these two verses? What captures your imagination? What questions do you have? 

Read John 5: 19-27


The Father and Son are inseparable, step by step! Just as all three persons of the Trinity are inseparable and love one another. What can we learn about God as our Heavenly Father by considering his relationship with Jesus?

Read Matthew 28: 19-20

Together in Baptism.

Father, Son and Holy Spirit in and through Baptism! In Baptism we see the artistry of the Trinity vividly — how all three come together in this beautiful moment of belonging and beginning of new life.

What can we do to share and explain the wonder of baptism to people who have little or no frame of reference for it?

How can the loving relationship of the Trinity inspire us to inspire others to the heavenly community they can openly join?

And, if you’re not familiar with Baptism, what questions do you have? How can those in the group who know about Baptism give some context for you?


