Wednesday 3 July 
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In the Father’s Hands - Connect Groups

Week Two


The Weaver’s Hands


The Father’s Vision

Our Father God is handy on the loom as well as the pottery wheel! This week we think about God’s vision, about the loving Father who knits us together, both individually and as communities — and across time and space!

SEEDS TO SOW: Imagine if being clothed in Christ (see Galatians 3: 23-29) was literal clothes — what would that outfit look like? What would it include? Use your imagination and have fun with it!

Read Psalm 139: 1-18

Knitted together.

God the Father knows the warp and weft of all of us individually and it is with this knowledge that God can weave us together as whole communities, tapestries made of the bright threads of humanity, that our Father God has taken the time to know.

We are each unimaginably smaller than God and yet unfathomably precious to him! Like each stitch and every fibre in a vast tapestry — we are all treasured and all part of realising the bigger picture.

How does it feel to know that God knows each of us so well? How do we get our heads around it?

Read Ephesians 4: 14-160


The human body, just like a tapestry requires supporting stitches that anchor and hold together the fabric that God the Father makes out of us.

Think of the people, relationships, resources and dynamics that God weaves into our lives — who or what are the supporting elements that our Father has weaved together to build us up in love?

Read Galatians 3: 23-29

All one, clothed in Christ.

A tapestry of distinct but complementary threads — together in the glory of our diversity we reflect the image of God the Father back to him.

Being clothed with Christ, suggests a daily activity, a daily decision to join Christ, to embody Jesus in the world.

What can we do to help us ‘dress’ with God each day? To start each day with the Father?


