Wednesday 3 July 
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All Things New - Connect Groups

Week Four


Part 4: Open to the new


Conversation starter

Is there a new project or task you have recently begun or are planning to undertake? It could be something big like moving house or small like crocheting a hat, or learning a recipe. In either case, how do you feel about starting this new thing?

Read Acts 16: 9-15

Lydia was open to learning something new from somebody new. Think of a time when a new person came into your life and helped you to see something or to understand something in a new way. 

Who were they? Why did they leave such an impression on you?

Read Psalm 105: 1-4

Next Monday at 12pm where are you going to be? Think about how you can seek God’s presence in that place/situation.

Read Mark 5: 24-34

What do you think took more courage for the woman in this reading: Reaching out for Jesus’s cloak? Or stepping forward when Jesus asked who it was who had done so?


