Wednesday 3 July 
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All Things New - Connect Groups





Newness isn’t the same as novelty. Newness doesn’t have to mean a fad or a craze or a revolution, change for change’s sake. A tree will likely spend its whole life in one small patch of forest, not moving or going anywhere but still forever new — growing, adapting, developing, listening to the world around it. A tree may be rooted to the same spot but it’s always finding new ways to be. Even in decay a tree becomes something new for others, with fallen logs being an important part of the forest ecosystem.

Embracing newness with God doesn’t have to mean always chasing the latest trend. Newness with God is realising that openness to change and blossoming and refinement are part of being faithful. The ever-new is blessedly all around us, and we can be ever-new in our relationship with the world. Each year is new again. Each spring brings newness. And each present moment is always new, hand given to you.

God always gives us new opportunities. New ways to see, to understand. God’s love is new for you each day, it doesn’t go stale. It’s alive. It’s simultaneously ancient and new.

The Spirit is moving and all things are being made new. Even you.

So when we come to God with the things that are broken, God replies: It’s not written off, discarded, thrown aside, irredeemable. It can be made new.

All things can be made new.

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