Morning Prayer
James will be leading a morning prayer session at The European Christian Internet Conference on the morning of Wednesday 9th May at 9am. Below is the order of service.
( L: Leader / A: All )
L: Heavenly Father, we come before you this morning
A: With open minds, open hearts, and open hands
L: Help us to look for peace
A: Where we don’t expect to find it
L: Open us to serendipity
A: To surprise and spontaneity
L: Encourage us Lord
A: To rest with the rejected
L: Give us opportunities to wait with others
A: In their pain, their solitude, and their grief
L: Prompt us to stop
A: To listen, and to pay attention
Matthew 5: 1-12
Resting with the rejected
5 minutes
Using our mobile phones as a tool for prayer to prompt us to think of others.
( L: Leader / A: All )
L: Dear God, we thank you for the opportunity you give us
A: To slow down, to rest, to unwind
L: Help us to remember to rest with the rejected, the marginalised, and the ignored
A: Remind us to spend time with the blissful
L: Help us to include the excluded, accept the rejected and accompany the unaccompanied
A: May we expect surprising blessing
A: Be with us through this day as we learn and share together.
Thanks for participating in morning prayer with Sanctuary First.
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