
Daily Worship Writer - Katy Emslie-Smith on the Trinity

June 30, 2024 0 0
Daily Worship Writer - Katy Emslie-Smith on the Trinity

We thank Ruth Kennedy for her Daily Worship week and we welcome Katy Emslie-Smith who concludes our June theme In The Father's Hands beginning Sunday 30 June.

Katy works in medical education. She is a member of the Steeple Church, Dundee, and currently enjoys involvement in helping refugees and asylum seekers with English language skills.

This week she concludes our three part theme trilogy that started way back in April with Wild Jesus (and continued in May with Sparks of the Spirit) with a week focused on the dynamic marvel of the Trinity!

"God, three in one,

Your glory speaks from every corner of the universe"

Read all of Katy’s pieces in Daily Worship and check out our Connect questions which adapt the themes each month for personal or small group Bible study.