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As we prepared the Advent material the first thing we noticed was that journeys are about coming and going. Some journeys are all about a mission, about expectation about wondering about waiting to see how things are going to turn out. I guess these are the ‘going journeys’. Other journeys are about returning coming home. These kind of journeys are all about reflection about ‘doing’ about responding to what has been encountered on the going journey. The ‘coming back journey’ often demands a response an action.

There might even be a third journey. This is the one in which you are not sure if you are ‘coming or going’ It’s not that you are standing still. Its more about your understanding. Someone says to you ‘are you going along’ and you say yes “I’m coming along”. Both may be going in the same direction but they may have started their journeys from different places. They are going in the same direction but they’ve coming from different places. This means that their experience and understanding will be both very different. How they read the journey, what spectacles they wear, who they meet, who they take time to speak with, as they travel - will all in some way affect their understanding and meaning of the journey that they have embarked upon.

Audio Sermon - Journeys

Very Rev Albert Bogle

Fergus Buchanan

Alan Sorensen