Daily Worship

Value and Worth

September 02, 2014 0 0

Luke 12: 6-7

Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.

Father, sometimes I cry bitter tears at the barbs of rejection made by others, as their undervaluing of me cuts deep or opens up old wounds, which can be so hard to heal. Other times I strive to belong, to be with the "in" crowd and, to my shame, do or say things which I hope will win acceptance rather than reflect who I am or what I believe. Yet in the confusion and the pain comes a still small voice which tells me I count, most of all to you, and that you will never stop caring for me. Help me to see that my real value is found not in what I do, or who I strive to be, but simply in your love for me, which is unconditional and knows no boundaries. My value, future and worth are all in you and I am blessed by a loving kindness which will never leave me, and for all of this I give thanks.
