Daily Worship


Peter Neilson October 24, 2015 0 0

Ecclesiastes 12:6, 7

Remember him –
before the silver cord is severed
Or the golden bowl is broken;
Before the pitcher is shattered at the spring
Or the wheel is broken at the well,
And the dust returns to the ground
it came from
And the spirit returns to the God who gave it.

Time to remember God’s future,
In the presence of the Lord
Who was and who is and who is to come.

Time to remember God’s faithfulness
As bones grow stiff
As organs fail
As senses lose their edge
As memory becomes porous.
“I’m winding down and I’m revving up”
A wise old woman whispered.

Time to gather in the harvest
Of the years.
To count the blessings
And smile.
To offer up the pain
And learn compassion.
To let go the hurts
And forgive,
Lest, as hurt people, we hurt people.
“A season of mellow fruitfulness”
A gifted poet wrote.

Time to get ready to go home:
For being known
For being like Christ
For being with God.
“Teach us to number our days
That we may gain a heart of wisdom”
The timeless Psalmist said. AMEN