Daily Worship

Theatre of Faith – Leave dreaming

Dan Harper January 19, 2019 0 0
Image credit: Pixabay
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Joel 2: 28-32

28 ‘And afterwards,
    I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
    your old men will dream dreams,
    your young men will see visions.
29 Even on my servants, both men and women,
    I will pour out my Spirit in those days.
30 I will show wonders in the heavens
    and on the earth,
    blood and fire and billows of smoke.
31 The sun will be turned to darkness
    and the moon to blood
    before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.
32 And everyone who calls
    on the name of the Lord will be saved;
for on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem
    there will be deliverance,
    as the Lord has said,
even among the survivors
    whom the Lord calls.

A good play will change how you see yourself. A very good play will change how you see other people. A great play will change how you see the world. 

Great theatre does that, it has the ability to open our eyes through different ways to a greater understanding of ourselves, each other and the world that we share. And once our eyes have been opened to what is possible then we can look into the world and dream dreams of how we can make it a better place.

In giving his prophecy Joel, acting as the mouthpiece of God, says that in the face of judgement and destruction that God will give visions and dreams to the young and old, and men and women will all play their part in looking to the future. The time Joel spoke of was then, and now, and still to come; and the words spoken apply to all times on earth. Where love and justice are not the main stage directions in people’s lives God, through Joel, tells us that this has to change. And that this change will come about through the Holy Spirit guiding people in speaking out for change and dreaming of a more just and merciful life both now and in the future.

In the Theatre of Faith we watch the play, and in doing so find ourselves immersed in it, and as we leave we find ourselves dreaming and looking forward, with a vision of a new way of doing things. A new way that is based in love and justice and showing God’s bias for the outsider and those on the margins. 

Dear God,

Help us to dream dreams and cast visions, visions of a better and brighter world where justice and peace flow like rivers and hope and inclusion are a way of life. 
