Daily Worship


October 24, 2012 0 0

Acts 28:7, Hebrews 13:2

Acts 28:7

“Publius..welcomed us to his home and for three days entertained us hospitably…honoured us in many ways and furnished us with all we needed.”


Hebrews 13:2

Keep on loving each other as brothers.  Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by doing so, some people have entertained angels without knowing it.


I have been a stranger many times.

So often the ‘new girl’ 

starting all over again

getting to know people

getting them to know me,

the whole, complete me

with a past 

that has made me who I am.


But it has it’s delights!

For you, Lord have put me among strangers

who have become new friends, 

who have become old friends!


Thank you, Lord, 

for you have shown me 

true hospitality through strangers 

who have 

opened their houses

opened their arms

opened their hearts 

and invited me in.


True strangers

who have  become acquaintances.

Acquaintances who meet for coffee

and slowly grow into friends.

New neighbours who bring

bread and a welcome

and who become so close and dear

that, when death and bereavement struck,

they were the ones bringing casseroles and comfort.

Churches full of strangers

who gradually become a family -

loving and loved

and always to be cherished.


Lord, thank you so much 

for the kindness of strangers.

The welcomes, the invitations,

the inclusions, the acceptance.

So many beautiful examples 

for me to emulate.

Help me to spot the stranger

and be warm and welcoming,

to reach out 

and draw them close.


And thank you Lord, for my home

to open up 

and fill with the noise and laughter

of strangers.


written by Ginni Auld