Daily Worship

# Small Things

Albert Bogle October 02, 2016 0 0

Zechariah 4:10

Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel’s hand.

Today we are thinking about the power of the insignificant. A seed that is sown in the right place can change a landscape. It is the small things we attempt that often bring about the vision. It’s easy to dream and try to envisage what the church should be like. 

It’s even sometimes very fulfilling to stand back on the sidelines and be critical of those who are at present being involved in leading and guiding our congregations. Its more difficult to roll up our sleeves and make a start at bringing about the changes that are needed. Too often we think it is major surgery that is required when the most important need is to start making small adjustments that begin to change mindsets.  Above all change comes about when a few individuals are committed and willing to make sacrifices. Ensuring the small seed grows requires soil that is ready for planting.




I’ve been thinking about

#small things

I think I get it!

You prefer us to make a start

Rather than make an excuse

You prefer planning

Rather than plotting

You prefer brass tacks 

To brass buttons

So thank you for the drawing pins

holding my plans to the wall

They’re small and shiny

They’re small and sharp

They’re small and inexpensive

They’re small but ever so useful

They focus my eyes on the future

Rather than the wall



Give me the courage 

to bless #small things

The faith to rejoice 

in small beginnings

And the confidence to believe

small has your approval.