Daily Worship

Preserving the Planet

February 21, 2013 0 0

Isaiah 24:4-5

The earth dries up and withers,

the world languishes and withers, the heavens languish with the earth.

The earth is defiled by its people; they have disobeyed the laws, violated the statutes and broken the everlasting covenant.

It can take us by surprise that the prophet, speaking over 2,500 years ago, can picture scenes that sound like 21st century pollution and environmental devastation. An oracle of judgement on God’s own people warns that the consequences are catastrophic. Too easily today, we can think it’s someone else’s responsibility to ‘do something’ about the problems.

Merciful God, it’s Lent,

and that something to do with examining how we live,

sorting our lives out,

putting relationships right, 

and building for the future,

all the time keeping the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus in mind.

Forgive us for not taking your world seriously enough,

for being unwilling to change lifestyle and attitude for the sake of the planet;

forgive us for acting as though it’s someone else’s problem

assuming it is the politicians’ responsibility to solve it.

Help us – even today – to see and think clearly,

to press for and support changes in economic, political and global practices

so the life of our planet may be preserved.



written by Tony Bryer