Prayers from India
2Thessalonians 3: 16-17
“May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.”
There are many young widows whose husbands have passed away from AIDS-related diseases. It is not easy for them to get the jobs which can sustain them; they struggle to provide good education for their kids. Their socio-economic situation makes them more vulnerable, and there is little benefit they can receive from the government.
Dear father, so often the women affected by AIDS experience turmoil, rejection and perplexity in their lives. They feel that there is nobody for them to turn to and share their burdens. They feel so far from the peace you can offer them. I pray this morning that our community and society will be able to provide the support they need to stand on their own feet in the confidence that you really care for them. Help us make the extra effort to open up our arms to embrace them. Make our every good deed and word reflect your love for them. In your name, amen.
Written by Jenghee You, Calcutta, India
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