Daily Worship

Hope and a Future

Peter Neilson October 23, 2015 0 0

Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you,
declares the Lord,
Plans to prosper you and not to harm you
Plans to give you a hope and future.

I love these words, Lord.
Words to people who were displaced
Cut adrift from home and temple
Feeling abandoned by You.

And then, this shot in the arm
About hope and plans and a future....
That feels so good!

I confess there are days
When I feel lost to my old self.
I wonder what life is about now.
I seem to have lost my drive.
I even find it hard to pray.
I wonder where You are.
If you have any role for me.

And then these words....
You have plans beyond my imagining.
You have a future beyond my seeing.
You have more,
And I begin to hope again.

I love these words, Lord.
You are so good! AMEN